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questions et réponses

What does Jaya Tiasa do?

One of Jaya Tiasa's principal activities include the distribution of high quality round logs. Our logs are sold to several major markets around the world. Oil palm plantation operations & palm oil milling are our core businesses. All our 10 plantations and 4 CPO mills are Malaysia Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) certified.

What is Jaya Tiasa Holdings Berhad?

The oil palm plantation together with palm oil milling form Jaya Tiasa Holdings Berhad’s core businesses. - Our oil palm plantations cover a total land bank of 83,483 hectares in the state of Sarawak, Malaysia with a total planted and mature area of 69,589 hectares spreading over ten plantations in Sarawak.

What are the main activities of Jaya Tiasa?

environment, prioritise people and human rights ... One of Jaya Tiasa's principal activities include the distribution of high quality round logs. Our logs are sold to several major markets around the world. The oil palm plantation together with palm oil milling form Jaya Tiasa Holdings Berhad’s core businesses.

What is palm oil milling & plantation operations?

Oil palm plantation operations & palm oil milling are our core businesses. All our 10 plantations and 4 CPO mills are Malaysia Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) certified. The combined processing capacity of our mills is 1,782,000 MT of Fresh Fruit Bunch per annum.